The video shows a fully assembled body. Note that the middle and top shelves can be customized to fit your needs.
Upper leg assembly
Please refer to the upper leg assembly video. To prevent the screws from getting loose during operation, we apply a low-strength thread locker to the screws.
Lower Leg assembly
Please refer to the lower leg assembly video. Similarly, we apply a low-strength thread locker to the screws.
left_leg_lower_for_anim v5.mp4
Foot assembly
- Begin with the foot empty, put force sensor holders in the foot
- Ensure that the holes on the foot line up with the holes on the aluminum for alignment
- Insert foot sensor into holders. Ridge should line up.
- Screw foot in place, apply Loctite to screws, but make sure to not overtighten in order to avoid damage to force sensors.
Body assembly
Please refer to the body assembly video.